Monday, June 1, 2009

Well talk about relief for the first time in a long time. It had 5 months since the last time that I had a normal day as a “civilian,” considering things now, and man did it feel good to be part of just the mass again.
I probably have not laughed that hard like I did over this weekend since being back at home with my close friends and that’s for sure. Some of the funniest moment I had ever been apart of a mix of Country East with City West. Quote of the weekend
“Twitter that bitch!”
So over used and out played. But I laughed so hard every time the phrased was used. Because I did twitter some of the stuff we did and viewed. I mean if I had twittered everything I would have had a page of shit. Friday, staying in Wichita Falls we traveled the less traveled path by going to the bars that no Airman would be at. Starting at Montana were we saw the One Armed Pirate Lady, who had a sock over her stub, and was just nasty as hell. Then next door to Lucky noice looking but there was no one there. To Beer Thirty, one word WOW, do they really get into there karaoke. Lastly was Outskirts were we (Joe Wimmer, John Wimmer, and me) looking for the gay club Cloud 9 just trying to top the weird shit we had already scene that night. Well we didn’t top the one armed lady but we met these two chicks, dumb as fuck and slow, but they gave us good entertainment for the rest of the night at IHOP. After IHOP John and I went back to the base as Joe went to his axe murdering, drug pushing hotel. Fucking shit brown wall with red classic sign of horrible things to come.
Sure enough when we ran into Joe in the morning he had a story to tell about the hotel.

This is a picture of a piece from the shower. He went on to tell us about how he felt like he was going to die all night and his BWM was going to get robbed. Mainly his thing was how dirty he felt on the bed because the sheet alone had 5 cigarette burns in it, and the top cover looked like something out of a porno. Saturday couldn’t have started off any better. When we got to Joe’s apartment we were all ready to crash finally seeing how we all got like no sleep the night before. Fast forward time to the Ranger’s game. My personal highlight was seeing Andruw Jones go 0-5

Not the actual game shot but you get the idea. Same result as always.. K

Jo’s highlight was the people around him. To his right as he said the older butch lady group, one bitch had flames rings on both arms on her biceps one being red and the other blue. In front an Asian family looked like they were fresh off the boat. Also in front was this guy with the damn cheesiest smile we had ever seen in our lives shit was huge. John and Me to the left. And lastly behind were these fat older white ladies. Perfect seats. Then to Denny’s were we all laughed like we were high as hell. You should have seen the staff and walked in there and you would have been dieing as well. Some black dude with the front of his head shaved with a short Afro in the back. WTF. These Muslim looking white and Asian people came in weird. Lastly the fat ass that sat behind us that made Joe seriously laugh soda threw his nose onto his pancakes, absolutely perfect. After the game tour of downtown Dallas and damn there is some good looking nightlife will defiantly come back and check that shit out.
Sunday shoot. John slept all day.
Thank you Joe Wimmer for the hospitality and overall fun time. I will defiantly have to come back to Dallas. I don’t think I have ever seen that many blondes in once place, one city, one club for even that note. Jesus they come like a school of fuckin fish. Oh and Dallas soccer mom’s WOW.

Because of you I will Twitter more then ever. But not enough to get robbed I promise!
“Twittered that Biatch!”

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