Sunday, June 7, 2009

Phase 1 Again

Lets just start this off by saying..
Another day has gone by more names have come and more names have gone. Other got there orders and others got in trouble. Personally I seem to be on every negative of every aspect of this ratio. Losing my key yet again and getting phased back yet again. And at the same time not getting my orders. It sucks when all you look forward to in the day is a little 5 minute segment when they hand out the orders that they picked up the day before.
I'm so sick of this place. I mean I'm personally seeing why people of my age group and rank commit suicide in the Air Force. No body take this as I'm going to do it. Because I have no plans of doing that at all! Shit all I need is 5 minutes with my little girl (my sol) and I'll be on cloud nine again. What I mean by this is when you this age personally I feel like I'm old enough even threw my faults and mishaps for people to speak to me like a grown up person and not talk down to me just because I'm what just another airman in training. I mean what does that show me besides shit let me be a dick when I get rank because what, I can? Now that just seems wrong because once you get rank the Air Force is supposed to feel more and more like yours because your aging in it and ushering in the younger generation.. So why the fuck once they get to Tech School are so many NCOs fuckin dick and assholes. Then they come and say the operational Air Force is nothing like this and people are more relaxed. Well shit I'm getting paid right? I'm working right? What makes this not part of the operational Air Force?
More then anything I just want a break from all the bullshit that is "TRAINING" situations I'm happy that I'm so close to the end but now that I am I'm more iritated because I'm waiting on one simple thing to be leaving.
Send me back to Cali

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