Monday, August 31, 2009

RIP Dj Adam Goldstein AM

So what this has now happened over a week ago and I'm finally making time to write something about it..
Sittin here listening to Fix Your Face Vol. 2
To me right there makes it so self explanatory of what kind of man this was and how bad the community is going to feel the impact of a damn good Dj gone to soon. You know what I have been blessed to sit and talk to many Dj's in the business alot young and only a hand full old. But to see one at the top go out like that hits closer then just watching another celebrity die. I mean you know how many Dj's are alkies some druggies. Personally I stuck to the alkie side of things but man, do you build a tolerance because you doing it close to every day.. I could only imagine the tolerance AM had.
Anyways to some real thoughts.
I had the pleasure of meeting him twice in my life. I can't really say that I saw him live more then that as well. As you see from the pictures below last Halloween at Hard Festival in Los Angeles. He personally got to bless my tables. Just the way that he controlled the crowd and just put them were he wanted. He was like a puppet master up there. Plus his music selection it was like he took a beat made by someone else and found a way to make it his own. I mean I have listened, watched many of youtube video of AM. There was just a presence that he had. You knew he was the eargasm that you were having. He is one of those Dj's that the younger generation will speak of as someone to be like. Basically the man who brought Mash-Up's to the lime light, and made everyone in the community go nuts when he signed that million dollar year contract with Cesar's Palace.
An inspiration to what you can do with two turntables, a mixer, and a mind. A pioneer with Serato really showing everyone what you can actually do with it. What you should be doing with it. Showing everyone the power of music. Marching to the beat of your own drum.
"New York, New York big city of dreams, life just ain't always what it seems."
RIP AM, Mr. Goldstein.
You had made it. You owned the city. Now we watch you in our dreams.

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