Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bus Ride!

Well another week down and a boring ass one coing up as I get to sit like I did the first week of basic and here the speal about dangerous it is to actually live have sex and gamble. Oh and did I mention drinking. Yeah right.

Anyway got bored las tnight and thought it would be fun tio learn how the mass public transit system worked here in Vegas. Lets just say this it's alot easier to understand then LA because everything is on a main drag so to speak and it has a small radius outisde that main drag. were LA is more of just a cluster fuck. At $4 for an all day pass not bad to take it to the main drag and see if I can't find some wierd shit.
But that will be next time.
This time I went around old Las Vegas, the dirty side Fremont. Shoot I wanted to see something better but I probaboy got out there to late to se the good hot mess. Seeing how I didn't even leave base till about 2 and didn't get out there till 3. Got a couple shot nothing that I'm super proud of but then again I'm new to this shooting (photo) taking thing, so I guess what I'm saying is hold on I may get better with the more that I shoot.
Somthing like that.

So on with pic's

Pretty much self explanitory.

In the Ghetto!

A spot that I thought would look good with a sol shoved in the middle of it.

Doesn't everybody take a picture of this?

Never seen this place dead before.

Tony I miss you.. Haha

Interesting spot.. Wish I had a tripod and a car. That and photoshop layered idea would be cool here.

Thought this was interesting it was like the whole first floor of the garage was full of just old machines. The secerity there didn't think it was that interesting as soon as they saw me pull up my cam they were more on there way to talk to me. Snapped a couple quick this was the best

Kinda like a lastly shot for me because this was every were probably because it was like 5am

but it was poverty to.

All and all went well looking forward to the next time.

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