Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weekend to come!

Well as this week draws to end an end and a weekend is coming up soon I thought I would just put som thoughts down on a paper (not really paper seeing how this is al digital and what not ) but you get the idea anyways. Probably the second boringest week that I have had in the service right there next to the inprocessing week that I had at Sheppard. At least this time when the First Shirts and Commanders came into talk they didn’t talk down at us they treated us as equals and shared there experiences with us. Other then that just your typical safty this safty that briefing. Don’t drink, keep your penis in your pants, and anything else that would be considered fun. Just don’t do it.
Anyways looking forward to the weekend and what is has to offer. Won some tickets to go see boxing tomorrow but I really don't want to go alone. That and there are the drags tonight as well.. Maybe I'll just end up walking around again.. But there is the cruise on sunday for sure
Hopfully depending on what I do there are some more pictures up and something to go along with my flickr or how ever the fuck you spell that shit. So I’ll post some if I get them all done. I really don’t want to be editing the colors and not posting till mid next week about a weekend but who knows hopfully the weekend is so busy that it happens that way anyways.
Oh well enough on nothing.
Thank god it’s Friday and pay day. New TV hopfully this weekend
Stay Tuned.

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