Monday, August 31, 2009

RIP Dj Adam Goldstein AM

So what this has now happened over a week ago and I'm finally making time to write something about it..
Sittin here listening to Fix Your Face Vol. 2
To me right there makes it so self explanatory of what kind of man this was and how bad the community is going to feel the impact of a damn good Dj gone to soon. You know what I have been blessed to sit and talk to many Dj's in the business alot young and only a hand full old. But to see one at the top go out like that hits closer then just watching another celebrity die. I mean you know how many Dj's are alkies some druggies. Personally I stuck to the alkie side of things but man, do you build a tolerance because you doing it close to every day.. I could only imagine the tolerance AM had.
Anyways to some real thoughts.
I had the pleasure of meeting him twice in my life. I can't really say that I saw him live more then that as well. As you see from the pictures below last Halloween at Hard Festival in Los Angeles. He personally got to bless my tables. Just the way that he controlled the crowd and just put them were he wanted. He was like a puppet master up there. Plus his music selection it was like he took a beat made by someone else and found a way to make it his own. I mean I have listened, watched many of youtube video of AM. There was just a presence that he had. You knew he was the eargasm that you were having. He is one of those Dj's that the younger generation will speak of as someone to be like. Basically the man who brought Mash-Up's to the lime light, and made everyone in the community go nuts when he signed that million dollar year contract with Cesar's Palace.
An inspiration to what you can do with two turntables, a mixer, and a mind. A pioneer with Serato really showing everyone what you can actually do with it. What you should be doing with it. Showing everyone the power of music. Marching to the beat of your own drum.
"New York, New York big city of dreams, life just ain't always what it seems."
RIP AM, Mr. Goldstein.
You had made it. You owned the city. Now we watch you in our dreams.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Goin back to Cali Cali

Alright so I meant to post some shit today wrote it this morning and was ready to submit and shit and lost it..
I'm not going to rewrite it. FUCK THAT
Anyways. Headed out to LA this weekend.. get in on Friday at 10:45 offer for anyone to pick my ass up.. haha.
The main part of the visit is that it's my boys wedding so I'm gonna be out there with the cam..
Taking pictures of everything I can for a good update this weekend
Not that I didn't do anything last weekend but since they kinda tie in together I might as well just make it one so you can put names to faces..
It's my turrets I swear.
Oh and the pictures is by a sol owner.. I'll meet him one day.. East Coast fella.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Another Weekend Experience

So what else is new instead of being able to post stuff night by night everything again is gonna end up in one giant one. The sad part is that I’m writing this when I was supposed to be on a import cruise. Ride slept in woke her up still gonna go to the BBQ but missed the cruise. Oh well still time with people and a scene that I love. Late or not just happy to be going.
Well another adventure on the bus happened yesterday now at this point and this morning “technically.” Some fuckin Wigger would not Shut The Fuck Up. Talking some shit to some black dude and shit. Man I was ready to throw him off the bus myself I was fuckin tierd at like 5 in the morning and all I wanted to do was get home and get my 2 hours of sleep shit. Haha. But that was the end of the night so lets rewind the whole fuckin story..

So good friend Sylvia was in town this weekend along with friends. Mention this because I knew she was with Crystal but Jody, my old supervisor from Costco. Fuckin small ass world weird as fuck. Because next week my homies who work are comin out here, so there will be another strip update. Tangent shit. Back on track. But Saturday day yes. I got out to Treasure Island around like 3. Then headed to the pool. Lounged and headed to Planet Hollywood to eat and get something for the night.
View from Syls room
Anyways after diliberation and what not they all finally decided on going to Studio 54. Speaking of which that’s one place I want to to go the real one in NY. Damn I must be the most damn picky person in the world but honestly I would NOT recommend to come to Vegas and go there. Not worth the money or anything. Sound was way under what you would expect. I mean if they were going for a old feel they could have done a lot better. Just wasn’t really impressed. The Dj really couldn’t hold you was constently changing up the feeling every time you got into a groove. Well at least me. Maybe it was because I was sober. But yeah.

Anyways after that took my bus rides back to my hole…
Took some pics along the strip of the strip whatever wasn’t feelin it I was tierd.

Alicia was late.. Haha.
So we didn’t make the cruise didn’t take any pictures.. Decide I would try to be some what social and meet some people.. Not really much to say since all we did was sit around and talk to people and each other.
It was noice to be around Hondas again I forget the feeling of it. Just going for a ride I feel like a dog just want to stick my head out the window and enjoy the wind in your face type shit.
But all in all a good day.

Oh and for thoughs that don't know the girl sittin next to me is Alicia.. Yeah tired as fuck and by that time we both needed a nap

Monday, August 17, 2009

IheartMYSOL quick update.

Just something to pass the time as I build my weekend updating editing my Vegas shots is and has been done for most of the day and evening but shits not really loading on the net well tonight.. I need to get that shit in my fuckin room.. So that will probably be up tomorrow or something like that.. Probably finish the writing tonight. Anyways

Small update just showing the new piece to the puzzle that I have going on here as you all know I did alot of red last time. Since I could find myself a pair of the JDM del sol seats with the red stripes I had to search for shit that I could find.. Now its time to move on them.. More updates to come hopfully soon she is out here with me..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Weekend to come!

Well as this week draws to end an end and a weekend is coming up soon I thought I would just put som thoughts down on a paper (not really paper seeing how this is al digital and what not ) but you get the idea anyways. Probably the second boringest week that I have had in the service right there next to the inprocessing week that I had at Sheppard. At least this time when the First Shirts and Commanders came into talk they didn’t talk down at us they treated us as equals and shared there experiences with us. Other then that just your typical safty this safty that briefing. Don’t drink, keep your penis in your pants, and anything else that would be considered fun. Just don’t do it.
Anyways looking forward to the weekend and what is has to offer. Won some tickets to go see boxing tomorrow but I really don't want to go alone. That and there are the drags tonight as well.. Maybe I'll just end up walking around again.. But there is the cruise on sunday for sure
Hopfully depending on what I do there are some more pictures up and something to go along with my flickr or how ever the fuck you spell that shit. So I’ll post some if I get them all done. I really don’t want to be editing the colors and not posting till mid next week about a weekend but who knows hopfully the weekend is so busy that it happens that way anyways.
Oh well enough on nothing.
Thank god it’s Friday and pay day. New TV hopfully this weekend
Stay Tuned.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Bus Ride!

Well another week down and a boring ass one coing up as I get to sit like I did the first week of basic and here the speal about dangerous it is to actually live have sex and gamble. Oh and did I mention drinking. Yeah right.

Anyway got bored las tnight and thought it would be fun tio learn how the mass public transit system worked here in Vegas. Lets just say this it's alot easier to understand then LA because everything is on a main drag so to speak and it has a small radius outisde that main drag. were LA is more of just a cluster fuck. At $4 for an all day pass not bad to take it to the main drag and see if I can't find some wierd shit.
But that will be next time.
This time I went around old Las Vegas, the dirty side Fremont. Shoot I wanted to see something better but I probaboy got out there to late to se the good hot mess. Seeing how I didn't even leave base till about 2 and didn't get out there till 3. Got a couple shot nothing that I'm super proud of but then again I'm new to this shooting (photo) taking thing, so I guess what I'm saying is hold on I may get better with the more that I shoot.
Somthing like that.

So on with pic's

Pretty much self explanitory.

In the Ghetto!

A spot that I thought would look good with a sol shoved in the middle of it.

Doesn't everybody take a picture of this?

Never seen this place dead before.

Tony I miss you.. Haha

Interesting spot.. Wish I had a tripod and a car. That and photoshop layered idea would be cool here.

Thought this was interesting it was like the whole first floor of the garage was full of just old machines. The secerity there didn't think it was that interesting as soon as they saw me pull up my cam they were more on there way to talk to me. Snapped a couple quick this was the best

Kinda like a lastly shot for me because this was every were probably because it was like 5am

but it was poverty to.

All and all went well looking forward to the next time.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What I DO?

Everyone seems to ask me the same question of WTF do I even do with the Air Force. Every time I tell them I deal with fuel you all think I'm out at the gas station just pumpin gas.
Well really I'm more behind the sence then that. I mean I do work on the gas station didn't take a pic of that but was out there the other day one pump motor died. So hopfully I get a chance to fix that in the comin weeks. But today was on the flight line. Were the jets refuel we were lookin at the hose's and the valves. Well I was just reviewin and learning again. But here is just a small idea. More pics will come.
And to think this was takin with a cell phone.. Oh damn.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

A New Home and an End to Tech School

Well a lot has happened and very quick in that fact.
This is the last entry having to do with Tech School.. Silence.. And Scene.
I really didn't have Internet back at Sheppard and was walking around grabbing it at two spots so I really didn't update in my final dates because I didn't really care to walk so far just to update.. your lose, my lose. Anyway I got my orders last week and jail broke that bitch forever. Well I will have to go back for upgrade training some day but that's not for a bit. And I finally made it to my new duty station which is Nellis AFB in Vegas.
Could you as for a better end result in all of this mess and shit. Get in trouble for alcohol and then they send you to Sin City. I say I came out on top. haha. Well I have almost been here for a week and still trying to get used to everything and in process this base. Most of which will happen next week as I attend briefings all next week. So much fun.. Sure!
I'm really happy to be out of the training envoirment I finally feel like I have a life again. I'll explain why

My first weekend in Vegas
Friday. Alicia picked me up and took me shopping. I can't believe that I now live in the same city as this girl. Jues. We went to a local import shop were she dropped some cash. And I just stood, sat, and laughed it was like I was watching myself or something with all the wants and shit. Then she took me to Walmart to get shit I needed for my room. Thank god she went because instead of my ass making like a bunch of trips she managed to pretty get me out of there with that one. All I need now is a TV and Internet, and my Xbox. But got back on base and she helped me to my room. Stayed and left but yeah.
No checking in and shit. So much better
Sat and Sunday the Morales were in town. Saw Ms. Morales and Christy for the first time this year. Of corse Mr. Morales and Chris to haha. But yeah they took me out to Primm for the those two days for Christy's birthday. Happy Birthday by the way. Great to see your face when you dad got you with song and cake. Thank you Morales's for the fun time, alcohol, and gambling experience. Probably won't be gambling all that much here. To pricey for nothing back.. haha.
But yeah what a way to enter into Vegas and life.
No questions asked just showed up on Monday and handled my business as it should be.

There should be some good updates now that I'm in a city that doesn't sleep and shit. Once I get my car and some other shit here I'll be sure to be takin pictures and updating alot more.
Should be fun as hell living here.