Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ugh Week.. Happy 4th.. Sure

Well what a week this has been and shit I'm only at the mid point. If anything this week really just hits an all time low in my mind. NO I didn't get in trouble. So at least I guess I have one thing to be happy about. But seriously when the fuck did my life become about praying not to be in trouble, I feel like I'm a 12 year old hiding there report card from there parents so they don't have there ass beat. Anyways what really is getting me down is that I signed, sadly, another 30 day admin hold on Tuesday. The reason why that is so depressing is that nothing happend the last time that I was on this shit. So what is to make me believe that anything will get done this time besides me sitting here for another 30 days.
I'm getting tired of all the new kids looking at me like I'm some kind of bad person because I'm here after I graduated tech school. I'm tired of being called that guy for a situation that everyone hears threw the grape vine then comes to me to ask if its true like I really had some balls while doing it and thought it would be cool to do. I mean there are times that I really feel like walking into whom ever office I need to step into and tell them FUCK THIS I'm out. Because I didn't come into this bitch to play games and be rung around like a little kid. Fuck that I came here as a last resort to jump start my life and get something "GOOD" going for me. Getting out of my situation so that I could go back to school, learn a skill at the same time, and get some unique life experience's. Not be treated like I'm a kid.
Anyone who really knows me knows I have a problem with people telling me what to do or even sugjesting what to do. I have to much pride to ask for help. Probably while I'm single and only have 5 ride or die friends in my life.
Enough of this rant. Just know I hate this week..
I'm going to hate this weekend because I can't do anything, because I'm not allowed to act my age.. Ah shit!

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