Saturday, July 11, 2009

On the Move..

"I love Cali in the Summer Time"

Anyways I may not be there yet but i thought I would share the fact that I finally going home. I mean it may be only for a week but still it's a much needed week.. The sad part is the only real reason I'm going back is to be with family and see my grandpa for probably the last time seeing how I'm not really in Cali any more.
Currently in the Dallas/ Fort Worth TX airport.. Fuck there are alot of army guys around.. There is at least like 1 per plane.. I mean besides the Air Force people that I was with.. i have seen none and shoot I don't even see any of them..

Ahh pulling this out in Phoenix decided just to make this travel one big post..
Something I learned is that if your in uniform sometimes you upgraded to first class. Oh well would rather be super comfy then in uni..
Dallas/Fort Worth Internet is T-Mobile
Austin is Biongio something like that
Phoenix is Free!!

I'm gettin giddy knowing that I'm going to be home soon.. Strange because I'm happy to be going home but yet right when I get ff my mom wants me to come to the hospital to see Granpa. Up and down type thing. But I would rather see him then not so I'm thankful that my mom got this done for me to come home. On the last flight I received a voice mail back at Sheppard the squadron is going on lock down. Now I'm just super happy that I'm not there.. Haha.
Burbank here I come.

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