Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Scare of a LifeTime

Had a scare that still isn't over. I'm so sick of being stuck in this training environment, and honestly this wouldn't be such a scare if I wasn't here.
Last night my Grandfather, my last grandparent, suffered a massive stroke. What is still to come is unknown. He is currently stable but that's all I really know. It's hard realizing that my mom really is almost all alone. Shit I'm out of the house, Nick is gone to and her baby is away at camp. It was very scary not being able to get a hold of her like usual. But this time it really set in that we not going to be there to protect our mother and it's not as easy to go back home at a moments notice. I'm a person who usually doesn't get home sick but just hearing this news and finally hearing her voice I couldn't do anything but break down in tears.
People say that my sensitive side is my strongest attribute, but man do tears hurt.. Like razor blades slicing my eyes and then down my cheeks. But I guess that's price you pay when you do finally cry it true means pain, letting your heart finally release what has putting it threw pain.
The hardest part in life is crossing the finish line. What ever that finish line may be. The journey to it is always the fun part. Things, people, idea, places they all come and go. Stay around and ch allege us while others are met and beaten or got away. But when it comes to being that one to usher and hold that strip showing the end of the race must be the hardest thing ever, because your there for the end. It's like the ending of the joyous celebration. It's not about the pizza party after the season or the celebration dinner after the fact.. It's the moment between because in real life once you do cross that finish line __________________.

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