Friday, July 24, 2009

IheartMYSOL Part 1

Well during the time at home I got a chance to work on my sol the biggest thing taking care of the suspension and tieing up some lose ends. It's not all done but it's the beginning to finally having a running sol again. As of this moment I will officially only be updating on my blog I'm done with all the commercial sites and furom updates I just think it causes drama and probably helps get my car stolen.. If you want past information there is one link that holds it all and has beena good time line since the begining.

sorry I don't know how to make the link click able and ever time I try it doesn't show up but copy and past your should be good..
Stay tunned. For more she will be on the move now. Once I get to my new base!

My Week Leave

Well I said that I was going to do this later and now that I’m back at Sheppard I seem to have all the time in the world to break this thing down.. This leave that I got was for a bad reason in itself, but of course I used in a happy moment as well.
Lets start with the serious and later get to the fun.

The most serious issue was family and helping my mom usher her father to the other side. Its sad to say this but my mom is excellent in making at this and her attitude while it dips in these situations, no one has a stronger mom then I. The way she can stare death in the face and remain calm and bottle so many things up is impeccable. She may have not been there for the final breath but that’s the power that she has to make them feel okay when she leaves the room for a second that is there time to go and follow her out and up. Just the same with my dad followed her right outside and up and away. While my mother and I didn’t see eye about this visit and some other things I know that with a couple phone calls and flowers she will take me back.

Llyod Schwiekard
while I didn’t know him that amazing my mother spoke about him with amazing story. My fondest memory is when I got to spend a week on his project ostrich farm in Arizona. He was a man that did a lot. A taxi driver at 21, a Merchant Marine, Army Vet, insurance salesmen, ostrich rancher, just to name a few of them. My mom always says that I look like him and I would have to agree I hope I look like him when I’m that old. Not a wrinkle on his face. An adventures man cut down to a bed in the end. It was his time because after a week of rest a man like that needed a new adventure. To grandpa and the new adventure I know your on. Just have your stories ready when we meet again.

It was also great to see my little brother and my cousin Kelly ( I don’t even remember the last time that I saw her maybe like a teenager or something like that). Man I miss my little bro. So much fun, so alike but so different, while we fight and say stupid shit I would never want anyone else.

But lets get into the fun

Great spending time with Steff again. Thank you for taking me every were I pretty much needed to go. It felt like good old times and I can always count on you for that you made me feel like I was at home
Chris - look at you all growing up and shit. Getting your Dj shit all right and comin up on the game. Lookin good, not drinkin as much has paid off. Can’t wait for the twitter saying you have the new coche.
Tony – my secret gay lover.. Oooppss. Anyways pookie. Thank you for making me switch over to Tmobile and the great jokes, great times. Always kept a smile on my face. Galaxy FTW. Keep getting your shit together and good luck not being fat.
Grace – My little Asian millionaire. I’m so happy your doing decent and I say decent because your gonna do such big things this is only a stepping stone. My designer I’ll keep losing weight and getting stronger so you have a good model.
Blahnik what a cat haha..
Ben - It’s always good to see my little brother from another mother. Thank you for the Pedo Bear and lunch. Like always your ahead of the curve and doing good.
Compita – Keep going till you get that Shierf status. I'm happy you finally out on your own. Proud of you mang.
Yayo – lookin good speed racer. Haha hope Costco treats you well still and keep movin up in there.
Uly - wifer for lifer still. Some things never change but I'm happy that you finally put a ring on her hand. Glad to see your growin up

Last but not least

Alicia – I finally got a full day with you and finally got to know you and what your about. Getting lost out of nervousness not knowing what to see or what to do probably some of the most awkward moments of my life, but well spent. And now with a 2 year grantee only time will tell.

Night by night review.
Sat- Rumba Room double 2 for 1 on patron. What a ice breaker
Sun – Galaxy Bar time with Tony and Grace, then to Old Town Pasadena
Mon- Comedy probably the best show I ever have been to Joey Diaz and Jeff Garcia.
Tues – All Star Game with the Tiger homies. Then Havana House
Wed – Alicia that says it all
Thurs – La Cita how that place has changed but can’t beat records.
Fri – Villa Soriso Chirs still putting it down
Sat – Rumba Room again.

It was fun seeing everyone again and I'm upset that I didn't get to see everyone good news is that I'm a drive away and i can provide shelter for when you come out to visit me. If you haven't heard were I'm going to be stationed I will let you know once I get my orders and head out there just stay posted
Sorry that this took so long to create havn't had internet.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

On the Move..

"I love Cali in the Summer Time"

Anyways I may not be there yet but i thought I would share the fact that I finally going home. I mean it may be only for a week but still it's a much needed week.. The sad part is the only real reason I'm going back is to be with family and see my grandpa for probably the last time seeing how I'm not really in Cali any more.
Currently in the Dallas/ Fort Worth TX airport.. Fuck there are alot of army guys around.. There is at least like 1 per plane.. I mean besides the Air Force people that I was with.. i have seen none and shoot I don't even see any of them..

Ahh pulling this out in Phoenix decided just to make this travel one big post..
Something I learned is that if your in uniform sometimes you upgraded to first class. Oh well would rather be super comfy then in uni..
Dallas/Fort Worth Internet is T-Mobile
Austin is Biongio something like that
Phoenix is Free!!

I'm gettin giddy knowing that I'm going to be home soon.. Strange because I'm happy to be going home but yet right when I get ff my mom wants me to come to the hospital to see Granpa. Up and down type thing. But I would rather see him then not so I'm thankful that my mom got this done for me to come home. On the last flight I received a voice mail back at Sheppard the squadron is going on lock down. Now I'm just super happy that I'm not there.. Haha.
Burbank here I come.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Finally I think after close to three years or so I finally bought myself some new clothes.. Nothin much really but its a start.. haha
Just thought I would show them off.

Vintage FTW!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Scare of a LifeTime

Had a scare that still isn't over. I'm so sick of being stuck in this training environment, and honestly this wouldn't be such a scare if I wasn't here.
Last night my Grandfather, my last grandparent, suffered a massive stroke. What is still to come is unknown. He is currently stable but that's all I really know. It's hard realizing that my mom really is almost all alone. Shit I'm out of the house, Nick is gone to and her baby is away at camp. It was very scary not being able to get a hold of her like usual. But this time it really set in that we not going to be there to protect our mother and it's not as easy to go back home at a moments notice. I'm a person who usually doesn't get home sick but just hearing this news and finally hearing her voice I couldn't do anything but break down in tears.
People say that my sensitive side is my strongest attribute, but man do tears hurt.. Like razor blades slicing my eyes and then down my cheeks. But I guess that's price you pay when you do finally cry it true means pain, letting your heart finally release what has putting it threw pain.
The hardest part in life is crossing the finish line. What ever that finish line may be. The journey to it is always the fun part. Things, people, idea, places they all come and go. Stay around and ch allege us while others are met and beaten or got away. But when it comes to being that one to usher and hold that strip showing the end of the race must be the hardest thing ever, because your there for the end. It's like the ending of the joyous celebration. It's not about the pizza party after the season or the celebration dinner after the fact.. It's the moment between because in real life once you do cross that finish line __________________.

Friday, July 3, 2009

PedoBear Came...

Oh hell yeah today may suck for were I'm at.. But I got a delivery back at home..
Come close kids I don't bite. Maybe my friend will though.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ugh Week.. Happy 4th.. Sure

Well what a week this has been and shit I'm only at the mid point. If anything this week really just hits an all time low in my mind. NO I didn't get in trouble. So at least I guess I have one thing to be happy about. But seriously when the fuck did my life become about praying not to be in trouble, I feel like I'm a 12 year old hiding there report card from there parents so they don't have there ass beat. Anyways what really is getting me down is that I signed, sadly, another 30 day admin hold on Tuesday. The reason why that is so depressing is that nothing happend the last time that I was on this shit. So what is to make me believe that anything will get done this time besides me sitting here for another 30 days.
I'm getting tired of all the new kids looking at me like I'm some kind of bad person because I'm here after I graduated tech school. I'm tired of being called that guy for a situation that everyone hears threw the grape vine then comes to me to ask if its true like I really had some balls while doing it and thought it would be cool to do. I mean there are times that I really feel like walking into whom ever office I need to step into and tell them FUCK THIS I'm out. Because I didn't come into this bitch to play games and be rung around like a little kid. Fuck that I came here as a last resort to jump start my life and get something "GOOD" going for me. Getting out of my situation so that I could go back to school, learn a skill at the same time, and get some unique life experience's. Not be treated like I'm a kid.
Anyone who really knows me knows I have a problem with people telling me what to do or even sugjesting what to do. I have to much pride to ask for help. Probably while I'm single and only have 5 ride or die friends in my life.
Enough of this rant. Just know I hate this week..
I'm going to hate this weekend because I can't do anything, because I'm not allowed to act my age.. Ah shit!