Saturday, May 2, 2009

Weekly Shitzu

Another week down and soon to be out of this place...
Payday on Friday.. Thank god for that.. Even though I barely spend any money here.. But damn it feels good finally being able to save. Like actually putting money into a savings account regularly type shit..
Started the ADEPT program hopefully I can finish here and not have it drag with me to Japan or shit is gonna get complicated and shit with my personal life. Pretty dumb if you ask me the people there really don't take it serious I wouldn't either if I was there age. I mean shit it's takin me all the way to 24 to even think that I have a problem with drinking. But thats another rant probably for thursday after the second meeting and shit.
Vegas Invation for the Del Sol's is going on and I'm upset that I'm missing that I think the best thing that came of it so far is that I got Shanes number back thank you Alicia for that one and getting him to get in contact with me.. Everyone is just lucky I didn't get a chance to unleash the K yet.
Lastly I'm gonna end with an update on school.. I have never had a teacher tell me that we need to slow down the learning because we are ahead of schedule.. Which I don't mind watching movies and getting paid to do it. But you have to sides that I want to leave and get back home to Cali sooner then later but I want to take our time and finish on time so that I can see Steff's graduation and plan thing out to see other people and do other things..
P.S. No new pic's probably tomarrow morning sunrises..

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