Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Comin down to a week left before my training session for the moment is over.. A stint of 14 days at home shall follow and then off to Japan. One thing about Tech School and Basic is the feeling of that movie Ground Hog's day were Bill Murray woke up everyday just to find himself on the same day that he went to sleep in.. He didn't notice it at first but at the end of the movie he began to notice that he was trapped in the same day. Seems to e the same for me as well. Except this time I have a true dte when I escape the rituals known as training and head off.
So much I wanna do and so little time to do it. People that I want to see and visit. So many things to say before I leave.
Now that I'm getting into this blogspot thing with the proper internet when I get home and my phone this should become a very colorful and insitful blog.
8 day's FTHMFW!

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