Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I have to get into a better habbit with this..
AF update. Grad date should be set in stone now. May 26th. With that comes excitement about finally being able to go home for a little bit, even though it has really only been what 4 and 1/2 months, and a lot of worry about getting everything done to live in a whole different country. Another thing that bugs me out is change, I watched The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons the other day, and I remember him talking about change, watching him change, and his surroundings changing.
Speaking of old people my grandfather is moving into an asisted living. Sadding to me clearly my favorite grandparent of them all. Greatfully he is the last living and I don't see him goin down any time soon. I see alot of myself in him and I see my life unfolding like his sometimes. It scares me but at the same time I look at all the things that he has done and I'm happy. I dono what to think about my mothers stance on the issue. She sent out an email about it and she really focused the email more about how she feels like she is putting him into a kindergarden facility how they display there paintings and people sit there and have to be told not to do that or not to touch, look here, don't, stop.
I would think more she is just fearing of the alsimers, which also fears me as well even at this young age. (I remember when I got the card in basic, just to see his handwriting brought a tear. I look at it every night) Another thing of sadness was listening to this comedians story upon drinking and his DUI's. Don't get me wrong there was comedy but you know when they do that serious part in the middle or near the end. Well it was about alcohol and it made me think. He had these four rules for you to think about if you had a problem or not
1. Drinking during the work week.
2. Saying you'll just have one and go home and it turning into an all night thing
3. Blacking Out
4. Setting periods of time off and just hitting it hard again. Making you think that your in control..
It's funny when he started saying those rules and I thought of myself I really fell into all of them because I have done all of those thing so many times. Thats when I knew it was actually good that I was in a alcohol program to address some issues so that I can get back in control of it. Do I think I'm there yet. NO. But at least I'm identifying problem

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