Friday, May 27, 2011

Weekend Trip to Nor Cal

Well honestly I can say that this will probably either be a four or three part series depending on how much that I break everything up. That and I believe that some of these things just are important enough that they deserve there own lime light. With so many emotions and going threw my mind at the moment I’m just going to put down as much as I can in this power hour I would consider this flight back to Vegas.

First off I really need to get better at carrying around my camera when I go on these things and just snapping pictures. But I guess I really don’t do it because I want them to be all professional and shit. But honestly it doesn’t even matter because no one really reads this. Like an open journal and shit. Funny thing is I took a look at my hit counter and I think March was my biggest hit month, which was like 15. LOL. Anyways lets get into this Weekend

Well it started on Thursday evening actually. Flew down into Long Beach and was greeted by my little little brother Kevin. We then headed back towards the house but needed to make a stop at Mens Wharehouse first to pick up his tux for prom.
(pic of Prom Night)

Other then that I called it an early night as to finally hoping to sleep, which I’m doing horrible at doing as of late. Also to get ready to drive up to Nor Cal on Friday with the mother unit as well. But we weren’t leaving till about noonish so that gave me the morning to run some errands that I needed to do in the local area. Well lets just be honest here, when you don’t have a car. You don’t get around I finally got my little brother up at like 11:30ish and then we headed down to G-spot to take a look at the coche. Here I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

But we did do a couple things we finalized the color as well as all the work left to be done. So I’m super happy about all of that and I can’t wait. Two weeks and then she should be out. So well see, then time to hide her till I get new wheels as well.

And then it was off to Nor Cal with ma.

We hit some traffic along the way and it wouldn't have been a trip with my mom anywere without some Geocaching a little along the way. We finally got in around 9:30, and got some dinner with Nick and Missy before calling it night. Seeing how everyone knew Saturday was going to be a big day for sure.
Well it was the big day for the family and espeically Nick seeing how he as graduationg from Sac State. But of corse like any good fashion everyone was running late with getting the cake and blah blah blah. Funny thing is that Nick and i were just chillin at his house playing video games.. Until mom called and started screaming that we hadn't left yet. But we waited for Ben to arive and then we took off with him and Rachel. I would say more about the ceremony and what not but there was this family behind me with an anoying ass child. I wanted to say something but you know them there cultural difference or boundaries, so I said nothing but.. I did snap a couple pictures.

After that we went to go eat as a giant bunch. Haven't had a family dinner or whatever you want to call it like that in a very long time. Thank god we got there when we did, because we basically took the place over. I mean we started with our indoor voices but after a while we just got louder and louder. It was good to finally hear some other stories about my father as well at that table. But really it was a celebration for my brother and celebrate we did. Because after dinner the youngsers of the group took off and went to the club. First off thanks Rachel for being the DD, but damn I had a blast, and need to do that that more often with my brother.

Sunday was more a relaxed day as we went to SF and walked around for a bit.
Good day ate some crab and bread. Geocahed a little and saw the strangest shit ever in a park. Had to be this weird play on evolution in the park. I mean I'm actually speechless about how to explain it. I mean they were on stilts and just all over the place, I mean the music was like someone just banging on the keyboard and other random instruments.
Overall it was a really good weekend highlighted by a great accomplishment by my brother.

About time I press enter

Monday, May 23, 2011

Juan Lemus. a years thought

Before going any further I would like you to just a take 10 seconds and think about a year. What a year means. 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours..
Now think about how fast it takes to stop it…
One year ago I lost a part of my extended family. Someone, that don’t get me wrong, we didn’t hang out all that much. But we did bullshit and talk online everyday at least. I turned to for advice and inspiration in a portion of my life that I hold close to my heart because what it means to me.
Juan you will be missed but we celebrate your life by us growing upon our paths till the day we rejoin to drive again.

Rev Run Wisom
“Promise me u'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, & stronger than you seem, & smarter than you think.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Congratulations Nick!

Lets talk about he most important issue to me and that would be my little big brothers graduation from Sacramento State University with a Bachelor in Business Marketing. Of course I’m upset that he beat me but I couldn’t be ay more proud of the guy. He has to be the biggest person that I miss in my life living in Las Vegas as he now finishes up living in that Nor Cal area…. Maybe. But you never know were your going to go from here. I mean you closed one chapter f you life and now you opened up a whole new exciting book in your life. You get to finally go out there and throw your ideas at the world and see what you can create. You have always been very gifted with placement of words and ideas. Especially the way that something should look and should be put in its place.

I would have remembered a couple of quotes from your graduation but there was a fucking Quickie Mart behind me and I couldn’t hear shit past there fucking chatter and annoying ass kid. I do know for a fact though that I haven’t seen moms eye glow with emotion like that in a very long time and I’m so happy that you gave her back this gift. While you won’t look at it like that she couldn’t stop saying how proud of you she was. And I think that is a shared feeling across the board in this family.

Lastly Nick I’m going to end this I held you the day you were born. Of course with a little supervision because you were already a big person and I was only three. And I have had the privilege of being with you for most of your life. But over these last three years as you got be get out of So Cal and off on your own. You have grown. Not necessary any taller then the six foot four that you already are. But as a person, your maturity and your creativity with ideas has only become more enlightening and entertaining. I’m very upset with myself for not visiting you more and making a true effect to come up there and hang out with you. I love you and always will. I’m so proud of you.
Love you and Congrats!