Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Maiden Voyage home..

Well I think its time that I finally say something on a two week hiatus from saying a word and expressing a view or feeling.
Honestly the last couple of weeks there was no way in the right mind to say anything. My mind was running in circles about everything and just worrying about things that didn't even deal with me. It felt like I was a bipolar mess. One moment smiling and laughing to the next just filled with absolute hate and fear. Not a good feeling and honestly I would hate to be that way full time. But some things have happened, good and bad, that I just need to put down for my own timeline. So lets get into it...

This weekend I finally got a chance to go home since Christmas and honestly I really needed it. First off sorry to the people that I didn't see or get a chance while it was planned to come home that weekend, there was unexpected change to how long I was going to be able to stay. But those that I did get to see it just proves how much I miss home and the family unit of people that I have thankfully created over the years of life. One thing I'm proud of now as I get older is my mothers and mine's relationship and the corners that it is turning and just that its getting stronger as I mature and grow up. And theres nothing like going for an odd ball walk to find some geocaches on a random hill. But honestly that's when we have our best talks. So that's always a good time.

The main reason I went down there was it was time for the sol to have a make over. Yes I know that she was painted only a couple of years ago, but within that time she has been stolen twice and is on her second engine. While I'm so happy that she is running right and running good, I really want her to look her best and for once be mad at myself for putting a dent or scratch in her. Not some rapist thief. So these two photos are the last two I'm going to be releasing for a good while, well more like May 16th when Eibach rolls around, if she is done ofcorse.

Sean(Miata) you'll be happy that lip is finally going to make it on the car. What was it almost 3 or 4 years ago I bought that off of you.

The orange marks in this are the things leaving or being filled. Honestly in person it looked like something out of Nip/Tuck, the precision and the attention to detail that this is going to represent.
And yes even after this is done I do plan on taking this out to the track!

Lastly I'm going to say this. Never in a millions year did I think that this

Would be a place that my little brother Kevin would want to go eat at. The little kid that was nothing but burgers and fries is actually starting to gain testbeds and enjoy them

Oh and were else you gonna get this besides LA... In the club.. haha

Hopefully everyone has a good rest of the week and what not..
I need to get back on that horse more and write more.. but yeah final thought

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