Sunday, February 27, 2011

Adjusting within the Slump

Well another week has gone by and as I lay here ready to to go bed and begin a new week I have a slightly more positive look on things at the moment.
This last week was rough on the mind and that is for sure. My mind has really been taking a toll over these weeks that I have been on the disabled list. Not seeing or even speaking to friends and family is the biggest factor amongst this. I mean sure staying in some nights and watching TV and Netflix is alright and good for the soul. Especially with someone like me who loves to have there personal space and time ( Funny thing is every time that I talk about personal space I remember what Street told me in the desert. How I love my personal space so much but how could I go to a club and do nothing but love to be surrounded by people literally on top of me. I never had a good awnser, but it's just a weird switch or something that gets flipped). But at this point in my healing I must say it's not healthy how much I'm avoiding people. I don't take my best friends calls, I'm not answering peoples texts that I know care about me. It's like I'm doing everything possible to make myself feel alone in my room. While this week really didn't have a traumatic day were I just wanted to run and hide. I think the repetition of being back at work is starting to set in and noticing still how much free time and being frustrated with were I am at the moment. It really just gets to me.
I'm tired of living were I work. I mean shit I walk to work. Yeah great I save money, but fuck I would rather waste that fuckin money on gas and have a story in the morning or evening some days I see something different. Isn't that the point of life is seeing new things. The only thing I see different at the moment is the ThunderChickens is taking off in a different formation. It just sucks that you deploy and come back and your back were you were. No growth in some areas. But enough of that rant, I could go for days on that one.
and enough of these downward thoughts.

Were just gonna skip to Saturday.
Sean came to town. And man did I need to see a friendly face. Oh and if your wondering and can't put two and two together Sean is on the right. And if your using your deductive reasoning. Yes that is his car on the right.
Great night, got some pictures of our dirty as fuck beauty's
Went to a baggin punk bar. Oh yeah, visitors be warned you will be trying the ass juice when you come to town.
Decent punk bands playing, Mosh pits (Now that is a sight)
But that best part was it was something to break me out of my slump of really feeling alone out here.
Thank you Sean, see yah in a couple months

Weekly insight

For a weekly read right now
If you in the car community and don't know about this ouch! But for the rest of yah's.
There was car gathering in Northern Cali this past weekend. What started off as a Honda meet has branched off into the premiere Nor Cal meet of the year bringing people out from across the nation. Anyways as for the read I'm putting Joey (writer, photographer, and other things) on blast on this one. His blog THE CHRONICLES and his coverage..

Oh and I know I promised the write up for Beneath the Neon and that will be coming this week as I'm down to the last little piece of the book! So expect that around Wednesday, Thursday....

My suggestion this week for Netflix
Robin Hood - Another BBC thing that I stumbled upon. Not the greatest but I always loved that story and they did a pretty good job with it. Currently in Season 2 of 3 available on Netflix. IMBD link
and my #1
Exit Through the Gift Shop - If you like graffiti art, or art period you need to check this out. Totally worth the watch. Weird and beautiful at the same time. A documentary about Banksy well in sorts... Ends up more about the narrator and his quest. Must watch for sure IMBD link

And my Youtube
If you haven't subscribed to Epic Meal Time yet well you just missing out on great weekly content..
Other then that it was a real weak week for my finds on youtube. So I'm just gonna leave you with one.. That I love and is driving me to get another one.
What just because you think I fall once that I'm not gonna get back up and back on..

Finally I'm gonna leave you with some shots of Seans and myselfs car.
Photos done by a new friend Marcos Ricon (schooled me on my own camera)

I know there weren't any shoes in this weeks addition and even I'm sad about that one..
But there should be a pair next week.
Hopefully I'll have some more controlled thoughts about what to write about. I need to start thinking of a subject for the week.
Hope yall have a good week!

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