Sunday, May 23, 2010

R.I.P. Juan Lemus

Well finally I think I can write about this
After a shit ton a liquor and half a day I think I suppressed my feeling enough to get this off and go to sleep.

Were to begin.
I met you before I walked into Pit Crew. I read about you before your sol got stolen for the first time. I'm pretty sure I started talking to you soon after that. We were both going threw stolen rebuild at the time and comparing stories. My sol in all the 9 years I have owned her was never and I quote "never" on your level.. Your love your expertise, your knowledge, you drive to DRIVE!
Remeber that one time before I went in the Air Force and Alica came down from Vegas and you and Johnny came over after we went to the club. We were all so shit faced.. But man was that some funny shit. How you ended up with Alicia's ID and credit card.
Juanito I envy you!
I looked up to you as a person, owner, and car guru.. You knew your shit and helped everyone out. A perfect example of what a true enthusiast was.. It didn't matter if you had the most rictastic car out there. If they loved it you were there. And that was a true example of your heart. You never cared you never passed judgment you just put it out here for everyone to see. That is why so many people love you.
And truly my brother I love you.
For everything you are.
To think that instead of the driving force behind us on the road pushing us to be that much faster threw that corner. Your now are angle guiding us threw the day is baffling. But you are that angle now. You are that guiding force to so many people. People you don't even know. You were that big my friend.
It has only been a week since we last hung out. Hours since talked.
I have cried but it's not the last of my tears. When I see your sol roll again and your not behind the wheel with that smile of bliss that, and that, will be the time when I personally shed the biggest tear.
I may own the plate that says IloveMYSOL but brother you were there with me. You loved it. When she was clean it was like your smile full of love, and out there for the world to see.
I end this with pictures and quotes from the man himself
I will hold you in my heart and remember you every time I turn key.
I love you, your loving family, and all those that love you!
You are my friend, a close and dear one!
I love you mang!

There are so many more.. I chose these three because 1) that was his sol before it got stolen #2.. I remeber he made a shirt of that shit to. 2) His sol the last time I saw him and it at Eibach '10. 3) Well if you had to have personal shot that would be it. Or #4.
I miss you mang!
Del Sol's are only gay if you make them gay!

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