Sunday, May 23, 2010

R.I.P. Juan Lemus

Well finally I think I can write about this
After a shit ton a liquor and half a day I think I suppressed my feeling enough to get this off and go to sleep.

Were to begin.
I met you before I walked into Pit Crew. I read about you before your sol got stolen for the first time. I'm pretty sure I started talking to you soon after that. We were both going threw stolen rebuild at the time and comparing stories. My sol in all the 9 years I have owned her was never and I quote "never" on your level.. Your love your expertise, your knowledge, you drive to DRIVE!
Remeber that one time before I went in the Air Force and Alica came down from Vegas and you and Johnny came over after we went to the club. We were all so shit faced.. But man was that some funny shit. How you ended up with Alicia's ID and credit card.
Juanito I envy you!
I looked up to you as a person, owner, and car guru.. You knew your shit and helped everyone out. A perfect example of what a true enthusiast was.. It didn't matter if you had the most rictastic car out there. If they loved it you were there. And that was a true example of your heart. You never cared you never passed judgment you just put it out here for everyone to see. That is why so many people love you.
And truly my brother I love you.
For everything you are.
To think that instead of the driving force behind us on the road pushing us to be that much faster threw that corner. Your now are angle guiding us threw the day is baffling. But you are that angle now. You are that guiding force to so many people. People you don't even know. You were that big my friend.
It has only been a week since we last hung out. Hours since talked.
I have cried but it's not the last of my tears. When I see your sol roll again and your not behind the wheel with that smile of bliss that, and that, will be the time when I personally shed the biggest tear.
I may own the plate that says IloveMYSOL but brother you were there with me. You loved it. When she was clean it was like your smile full of love, and out there for the world to see.
I end this with pictures and quotes from the man himself
I will hold you in my heart and remember you every time I turn key.
I love you, your loving family, and all those that love you!
You are my friend, a close and dear one!
I love you mang!

There are so many more.. I chose these three because 1) that was his sol before it got stolen #2.. I remeber he made a shirt of that shit to. 2) His sol the last time I saw him and it at Eibach '10. 3) Well if you had to have personal shot that would be it. Or #4.
I miss you mang!
Del Sol's are only gay if you make them gay!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Eibach '10

First off if your reading this and you want a bunch of pictures of the cars that were there. You might as well just meander back to
Because I didn't take any.

But my Eibach experience on the other hand started while I was still at work Friday night. I think that is when I truly got excited for the event to finally be here, to the tone of a Greek man telling me fuck work and get the fuck over here. He wasn't alone in these commands. Let just say I was thrilled to be out of work at like 2. To bad it took me over an hour to put my side mirrors back together, probably would have gone faster if I didn't receive a text message every couple minutes telling me to hurry, James is intimidating, and lane is just mean.
So long story short I make it down to the Monte Carlo and I'm walking up in uniform and first thing I hear "Nice uniform Dick." At that moment I knew it was going to be a great weekend. So went in the Monte Carlo and started drinking. At this point I could tell I was behind but meh. Times were perfect right Lane..

My thoughts exactly.
But what I really need a picture of is Lanes grouping of receipts. Shits about the size of a baseball. Probably totaling close to 175
Shots of SoCo and Yager happened and then.....

And what everyone is talking about..
your seriously gonna watch it twice.

Well come to about 7 in the morning Lane's dry heaving over a trash can. Chris, James, Alicia, and I are still at the bar. Motherly instincts kicked in for Jen. Alicia was fuckin WASTED! Literally no lie sitting at the bar and then BAM! Face to bar just missed the arm support in all. I think that's when everyone decided time to turn in for a hour.
Went our separate ways at that point.

Day before Eibach

I went back to Cali trying to catch up to all the LV people but in the end didn't so meh. Went home. Pretty slow day just checkin up on friends just drivin around.
Saturday Night was a little different pace.
Sean came over around like 8 or 9 something around that time.. I hadn't eaten and was like fuck it let go to Yardhouse. Good food had a couple of drinks and then got ahold of Cody who was out in Riverside. So Sean and I were like fuck it. Headed down to there. Went threw the worst, I mean the fuckin worst parking lot ever. I mean the pavement was nice but the bumps fucked the shit out of me.. Literally. Finally though we made it to the hotel and made it to the room. Honestly it was like dank city with crumbs on the ground (if you smelled his trunk on Sunday that was nothing compared to this room.) There were fuckin wrappers every were.
Medicinal caramel must be the shit.
Decided I wanted to party to so Sean and I picked up a 20 rack. Got back and then just started throwin them back

Went to take a piss and found this out

Some good laughs right there. Sean went to sit down and the whole floor shook type thing. Everyone died of laughter. Cody threw a check's mix square at his girl, it landed like a 1cm away from her eye. Some how got on the conversation of Domo decided to take a look at it. This also happened

2 o'clock rolled around and everyone was pretty tired so we left Cody's room, Sean and I went to grab stuff out of our car and noticed a window open with just a screen seperating us from a bed. Sean with out a beat got that beast out and jumped threw the window. Yes Sean jumped threw the window. Opend the door and in I went. Of corse I was going to take a bed over someones floor.

Eibach Day.


Thanks Sean.
I mean thats some balls right there. I guess the person asked him how his stay was as well. I'll I can do is still laugh. Finally Jen and Chris rolled in. They looked like shit, sorry had to say it, but it was understandable being up all night and driving that last bit. They took a shower and then we headed out. Did I mention that Dragon Ball is a horrible movie. A white Goku seriously WTF! Finally found a place to wash there cars. Chris got dirty with the Mexican's while Lane, Cody, and I warreded off the bums. Until Cody and I dipped leaving Lane to have a 10 minute conversation with one. Oh I should have took a picture. Dude lip was all fucked up. Dirty dirty dirty. Oh and Sean and Jen. I dono
Finally made it to Eibach and the rest was magical

I mean seriously magical. Like ponies and shit. I mean there is just to much funny shit that happend right there. I can't wait for Chris's pictures of the vampire girl, man she was white. I saw one of the great tits but buterface out there.
But all good things must come to an end. Great laughs and all.
Thanks to Juans family for the BBQ and hospitallity after.
Thanks to all the sol owners for such a great time. We must do this again. MUST!
Now we all must go to Greece and do this on James terms. haha.

I seriously love the trunk and garnish. I will hold onto that forever hopefully I can get more sol owners to hit it up as time goes on.. Now just to buy another one so I can mount that on my wall..

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Vegas Invasion 10

First let me say.. Sorry this took so long to get together and load up..

So Vegas Invasion 10 has come and gone. It was wonderful to see people that I hadn't seen in what now 2 years when my carf was running and in a working matter. But of corse I was upset that my car couldn't be there. I was happy that there was another K there. While it wasn't crazy how mine is just to see one run in real life gave me hope. So much to say but I don't want to bore everyone with bland writing and all other things.
So on with the pictures I took in my randomness of order.
I guess you can say I had my favorites and stuck to them.

Sean ( JDMReveRend)

Sorry I dono your name but I love the leapord print.
Well done all the way threw. Floor mats and everything.

Shane (Rice Police)

Kevin (kabooki)

John (Loki)

Didn't catch your name either.
Oh and sorry for closing your hood for a moment at the show.

Alicia (delsolchik)

DJ (Trippsol)

John? (Tofu*Monster)

Sorry dono your name or screen name at all

Group Shots
Rolling Shots
Other Shots

A few more to come in part 2
Been getting a upload error.. Probably have it done tomorrow seeing how this was the bulk of them.
Want different sizes just hit me up