Wednesday, October 28, 2009

IheartMYSOL Part 2

So as you can tell from the picture I finally went back to Cali and picked up the little girl. Big thank you to my little brother Kevin for helping me out with the transportation to bring her to Vegas.
Only down side is that I lost the right fender some were along the way. Not really mad at the fact that I lost the fender. More mad at the fact I lost a mud guard. You know how hard it is to find them things. Be prepared for updates. Would like to get her up and running by the 14th of Nov. Don't think it will happen but would love to go to Juilian run with the Team Sol Cal guys.

Fuel, Electrical, and Power..
and putting together and she is read to Stomp!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Exercise, exercise, exercise.

So let's just begin this with the idea that no one 100 percent enjoyed this exercise and there were bits and pieces that were good and bad that created the experience. The teaching while there was a lot of power point slides thrown into two and a half days mixed with hands on was interesting to say the least. The idea that this was solidified in someone mind to stay and that they will use all that knowledge that was thrown at us is an overstatement to say the least.
I guess you could say that everyone was looking forward to Thursday in way or another. One because it marked the real end of the week since all we did on friday was clean up the mess. Two because it was the real hands on experience time. But let's get down to the exercise now

My first issue has or had was the initial security protocol and how to clear the building surrounding the area. Until the time I stole the senior radio command seat that gave me my radio name I was oblivious of who is was. I done really how we did but the gagle fuck of only 3 that cleared each side had to be wrong when they originally said 9 on each
2. Communication and there was a lot of that besides the big voice system not working properly to not everyone who needed a radio getting a radio. Okay so you know your under radioed why was not there a way described out how to relay messages. You know you don't have the right amount of radios.
3. MOPP 4 for those that don't really know that is when any service is in there full chemical gear. Hot but makes you safe. My big issue was how long it took for the command post to one figure out were the chemical attack took place by sending out there teams. To 2 the teams themselves not being haste in there actions. Which left me in that stuff for almost 2 hours. But that was also because I didn't have a radio and we didn't get a message until someone ran into my area after an incident and he looked at me like why. Ugh.
4. Finally was just the lack of organisational skills from the top to the bottom. But yes if the top is not organised how do you expect the bottom of the chain to be. This is probably why I have so much to say. I found out that they were going to cancel the exercise but yet proceeded on. So management was not ready for this to happen. The Lieutenant was notified till friday afternoon. Shop leads Monday. And they had to come up with and idea for a base in 2 days. Yeah smooth.

All in all I learned thing and solidified more in my mind. Would I do things the same. Hell yeah I would stay quiet imagine if I said some of this shit to people. I mean I know its the net but who reads this stuff any ways. Haha

Best part shooting off blanks in the air. And rocking the M16 on burst.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I have watched alot of TV in my life. I have watched alot of things about drugs in my life. I have spoken, done, hung around, and you name it in my life. This show actually touched me. The combination of the two things of seeing DjAM out of what everyone is used to seeing him as. And seeing the real person that he was on a daily basis. Also seeing this young woman's struggle against drugs. I don't think I have seen a piece of TV this strong in a long time.
Give it a watch..
Gone To Far
Then if you didn't tear up at all during the episode..
Try watching the interview with Amy after..
If you don't then well...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sweep Sweep Sweep

Dodgers took the Division Series in dramatic fashion. Getting stronger each game along the way. This also comes with a scare because this is what they did to the Cubs last year but after taking on this oppenent which was the odds favorite even here in Vegas books. I feel that the Dodgers have made there marks and changed some of the bookies ideas. The long shot sweeps. Now time to relax take some BP and get ready for the CS..

A year after the Cardinals fucked us up in the Playoff's payback has been delivered.

Old 2008 Eibach footage..

Somoene posted this old footage..
you can spot me in about the 1:20 mark of it just a drive by but you know it's my sol..
Haha.. thoughs were the good days.

Eibach 2008 Coverage..

She should be comin back soon.. soon
I tell you

Sunday, October 4, 2009

8 years. We still remember

I had an idea of writing something eleberate but ever time I would get going I deleted it. So I'm going to take the simple route.

I can't believe 8 years have gone since my father passed away. Things have changed people have grown. But his memory thrives on threw those that he loved and the ones who loved him.
Love you Dad

2009 NL West Champions

Well finally it happens. I know that I'm late with this blog update been out all weekend in Vegas with some friends. But the boys in Blue won the west on Saturday night with a 5 to 0 win over the Rockies. Even I at one point was getting mad at the Dodgers because it took them 6 games to clinch this. Well I can't wait for next week when we play the Cardinals its going to be a shop thing seeing how I'm the Dodger fan and the civilian that works in the shop is a Cardinals fan. Tired of hearing about Pujlos. The Dodgers better put them down.
Offence is the key to the success
Because right now there pitching is on!!

Bring on the Cardinals

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Birfday

Quater of the way some were....

Well as another year goes by. I finally can sit and realize that my trial and error period is over with my life. I really can't believe that I am alive to be 25 or that I was born 25 years ago today. I feel like I have and done a lot for my age. Haven't really been to that many of places but have been to a good share. I have felt pain that some will never feel in till later in there lives and am on the same track with others. I'm this trail and error I have learned a lot while fluncking at things right along with it. I haven't worked all that much at a job but have committed to many of different things. Mainly sports and the dream I held onto so long.
I still remember the last baseball game that my dad watched me pitch. Put up a truly stellar performance with him sitting in a wheel chair watching over. It felt great to go over and still get my inning by inning tips on how to handle the next set of batters. Of course my offence absolutely destroying the other pitcher helped a lot to.
Funny to think back on all them memories that I have the people I have met and the roll models I have wanted to be like. 25 years is a long time. Now I can write this message on my cell phone send it to my email and post later on my laptop that now gets internet any were in Las Vegas. I didn't have that shit as a kid. I remember playing Reader Rabbit with Nick on the old Dell. The mining game was the best. I dono but when you finally do look back and think about everything that done. I think it more important to look and see what you have become what type of footprint you are actually leaving behind on this earth and why I think so far I have left a good couple small ones her and there. I guess I have to wait another 25 years to finally see which ones are truly stamped in and which ones just faded away.
Thank you everyone for your birthday wishes. I'm happy that even when I'm separated from my family and dearest friends they all take the time to reach out and let me know I do count to them.
Thank you all. I love you all.