Sunday, October 25, 2009

Exercise, exercise, exercise.

So let's just begin this with the idea that no one 100 percent enjoyed this exercise and there were bits and pieces that were good and bad that created the experience. The teaching while there was a lot of power point slides thrown into two and a half days mixed with hands on was interesting to say the least. The idea that this was solidified in someone mind to stay and that they will use all that knowledge that was thrown at us is an overstatement to say the least.
I guess you could say that everyone was looking forward to Thursday in way or another. One because it marked the real end of the week since all we did on friday was clean up the mess. Two because it was the real hands on experience time. But let's get down to the exercise now

My first issue has or had was the initial security protocol and how to clear the building surrounding the area. Until the time I stole the senior radio command seat that gave me my radio name I was oblivious of who is was. I done really how we did but the gagle fuck of only 3 that cleared each side had to be wrong when they originally said 9 on each
2. Communication and there was a lot of that besides the big voice system not working properly to not everyone who needed a radio getting a radio. Okay so you know your under radioed why was not there a way described out how to relay messages. You know you don't have the right amount of radios.
3. MOPP 4 for those that don't really know that is when any service is in there full chemical gear. Hot but makes you safe. My big issue was how long it took for the command post to one figure out were the chemical attack took place by sending out there teams. To 2 the teams themselves not being haste in there actions. Which left me in that stuff for almost 2 hours. But that was also because I didn't have a radio and we didn't get a message until someone ran into my area after an incident and he looked at me like why. Ugh.
4. Finally was just the lack of organisational skills from the top to the bottom. But yes if the top is not organised how do you expect the bottom of the chain to be. This is probably why I have so much to say. I found out that they were going to cancel the exercise but yet proceeded on. So management was not ready for this to happen. The Lieutenant was notified till friday afternoon. Shop leads Monday. And they had to come up with and idea for a base in 2 days. Yeah smooth.

All in all I learned thing and solidified more in my mind. Would I do things the same. Hell yeah I would stay quiet imagine if I said some of this shit to people. I mean I know its the net but who reads this stuff any ways. Haha

Best part shooting off blanks in the air. And rocking the M16 on burst.

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