Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Maiden Voyage home..

Well I think its time that I finally say something on a two week hiatus from saying a word and expressing a view or feeling.
Honestly the last couple of weeks there was no way in the right mind to say anything. My mind was running in circles about everything and just worrying about things that didn't even deal with me. It felt like I was a bipolar mess. One moment smiling and laughing to the next just filled with absolute hate and fear. Not a good feeling and honestly I would hate to be that way full time. But some things have happened, good and bad, that I just need to put down for my own timeline. So lets get into it...

This weekend I finally got a chance to go home since Christmas and honestly I really needed it. First off sorry to the people that I didn't see or get a chance while it was planned to come home that weekend, there was unexpected change to how long I was going to be able to stay. But those that I did get to see it just proves how much I miss home and the family unit of people that I have thankfully created over the years of life. One thing I'm proud of now as I get older is my mothers and mine's relationship and the corners that it is turning and just that its getting stronger as I mature and grow up. And theres nothing like going for an odd ball walk to find some geocaches on a random hill. But honestly that's when we have our best talks. So that's always a good time.

The main reason I went down there was it was time for the sol to have a make over. Yes I know that she was painted only a couple of years ago, but within that time she has been stolen twice and is on her second engine. While I'm so happy that she is running right and running good, I really want her to look her best and for once be mad at myself for putting a dent or scratch in her. Not some rapist thief. So these two photos are the last two I'm going to be releasing for a good while, well more like May 16th when Eibach rolls around, if she is done ofcorse.

Sean(Miata) you'll be happy that lip is finally going to make it on the car. What was it almost 3 or 4 years ago I bought that off of you.

The orange marks in this are the things leaving or being filled. Honestly in person it looked like something out of Nip/Tuck, the precision and the attention to detail that this is going to represent.
And yes even after this is done I do plan on taking this out to the track!

Lastly I'm going to say this. Never in a millions year did I think that this

Would be a place that my little brother Kevin would want to go eat at. The little kid that was nothing but burgers and fries is actually starting to gain testbeds and enjoy them

Oh and were else you gonna get this besides LA... In the club.. haha

Hopefully everyone has a good rest of the week and what not..
I need to get back on that horse more and write more.. but yeah final thought

Friday, March 4, 2011

Lessons Learned

Finally back to white!

Well I know I'm a day late on even starting this but there was no way I was going to finish or being this thing intoxicated and after being up for ever volunteering at NASCAR and then watching the race

But lets break this week down and give some thoughts about it.

This week really felt like a weight had been lifted off of me the fear of the unknown was finally answered in the ways of work. While it's always a negative to get in trouble but at least now ii can learn and grow from my wrongs. And i mean hat has to be half of the battle learning from your mistakes. I would think that if you didn't take the time to think about what you have done and how your going to improve and move forward, your not growing and your not even caring about what you did or especially were you going to go from that. But it is one thing to tlak and think about it and finally act. So I guess well see how this goes and what actions I can create as I move on.

Other then that I really didn't take any time to refelect this week. Which is kinda upsetting if you think about it. I'm sure that there was something that reached me but I didn't bother to take the time to understand it. I finish Beneath the Neon and have been slacking on finishing up that post as well. Funny imediatly after finishing it I went out and picked up another book by Mathew O'Brein, My Week at the Blue Angel.

Hopefully I can keep on finding books that I enjoy to read and actually learn some things from the written verbiage. Other then that nothing really happend during the work week. I mean you get to the point were it slowly becomes the same thing day after day. sure your doing different things within the job and the days aren't completly the same but the mothions that you go threw are close to it. I really need to take a wek off and go home just to break it up and get some othe things rolling as well. And I know I have been promising people that it will be soon. So I'm hoping to hold myself to that and make sure that I make it down there this month. I looked at my leave and man I really don't take time off of work.
But the weekend.
Lets just say it was noice to finally see people, especially people who are harder then shit to get ahold of, get out of my room, and actually do something. I think the only thing that could have made it better was Tony Stewart actually winning and not coming in second. But I need to try and have more weekends like them, especially Friday night!

Just to show off were I sat on Sunday.

Till next week! This is my last week I'm giving myself to be injured.
Some weekly items that I used to get threw

Read - A wonderful Craigslist add... Dog Food?

Music - I finally got back into and listening to my stations. But something for the masses is get ready.. Lupe Fiasco's ablum is dropping on the 8th. I have heard a couple of the track and there on repeat when I'm not on pandora

Netflix this week has mostly been focused around Robin Hood. I threw the link up last week to it's profile so I would hunt back there for that one. But I continued the theme actually further this week:
The old classic.. Robin Hood Men in Tights

Youtube again didn't seem to fail this week, while some of these things were on the news, and I don't know why, but here we go
Cat's with Thumbs!
I mean what would this week without a Charlie Sheen refrence Winning!
This is when you know something is wrong with you Dubsteppers! DogStep?
and lastly something that shows drinking can be productive
Flight of the Bumblebee on 101 Bottles!

Well see what this week turns up, and how I even get around.
One Love.

Beneath the Neon

First off it's even interesting that I'm writing something about a book. Anyone who knows me knows I really don't read all that much unless there are pictures or it's about something that I already know as a shape or look. So in completing this hopefully there is some growth that comes with it.

Beneath the Neon.
I bought this book originally trying to find the one tunnel in this town that I had heard about were all the graffiti artist go. Boy was I in for another trip by the time that I was even done with chapter one. I was completely drawn in by the what even layed right next to the Vegas welcome sign. Only living Las Vegas for the little time I vaguely even know about the storm drain entrances by the ones that I see when I drive on the freeway and streets. Never would I have thought that one there were storm drains that ran directly under the strip, and that so many people took refuge down there. Not just for a night or two, but were talking years and years. But this book wasn't about a awareness, like look there is a population down here, there was an understanding a want to know why, a story. The people depicted and spoken to to do this book were of such a wide variety with different stories to go right along with each person the author interviewed. From Vets to just your average junky they all had a fascinating tale to tell.

For those of you that are quick reader this book with fly by. I mean most of the writing is conversational pieces and short descriptions about camps, walls, and general surroundings. But these conversations are make the story. I mean who would ever come to think that a Las Vegas Chef (yes a Chef) lived down under the strip. Of course, it was never disclosed were he worked but just think of that one. A trucker who's wife threw him out of the truck and just took off. A husband and wife who lost everything and just ended up on the street. Run away teenagers... I think the most interesting interview came when he visited Phllip, a man would lived in his deemed Valley View drain, and ran into Tyrone and his mother, Gwen. Yes that is right his mother came to visit him from Atlanta. I'm not going to disclose how she found him and what not, but the unconditional love that this mother showed for her son. Of course the shamefulness of the the son having his mother come and visit him and having to have her stay in a hotel and not his place of residence, seeing how he doesn't have a physical address or a front door. More of a gypsy type camp that has nothing but the bare amenities. All in all just a well written piece, and to think it falls under a travel guide. I wanna see you go down there..

Lastly a poem found on a wall

"There never was a child
In your head
Never born, Never dead
Maybe when I'm done
I'll mourn
Now I'll come with fire and scorn
With lust for life
Under hood and horn
Lament and forlorn
Breathe in life
I gasp river reed
Logos manifest
I am, I said
There was never a child
In your head
Self-Born, Self-Dead
Believe what you read
One-Third will all be bled."