Friday, January 1, 2010

Year in Review

So as it comes down to this being the last year of the decade and what not, last day of the year. To think back at the this year alone is enough to make you go crazy. This year has been probably one of the most interesting in my life. Going off to basic in January, and then to tech school in March to learn about Liquid Fuels Maintenance. All of this was contained in that big ass state in Texas. Bringin my total time spent there to like 6 months. How weather and settings change in Texas. The people are a weird cleptic group on nice, but they "believe that they are there own nation." All in all Texas is its own beast that I WILL NOT miss all that much. I got to come home for a week in the middle of August to see my grandpa before he past. While I do believe his soul had already left it was good to see him and make my mom laugh during the tough time. It was also good to be able to help her threw the letting process as myself and my brothers endured with our father. I believe the perspective that we had helped her a lot. I missed the funeral, but I know he isn't mad at me for that one. I felt good when I saw him a man who really lived his life, did so many things, and experience more in this world then most people ever get. With the allsimers or the parkisans I happy to know the ending pain was gone. I now reside in Las Vegas, on Nellis AFB, talk about a draw when it comes to bases. Close to home home but far enough away to create and build myself. A city that never sleeps with amazing night life and bars. The temptations of a goddess. But I wouldn't change for the world. Well maybe Travis AFB. The car is still not running but is now finally being worked on as parts come in. Soon enough and she will be running. Other then that life is becoming a routine of work mixed with xbox and minor playtime. Hopefully I can expand my knowledge of the Vegas

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