Monday, November 16, 2009

Nellis Open House

So we had an open house on base.. Not like I'm gonna be screaming come see were I live.. My room was thrashed.
This weekend was great.
MSTRKRFT on Friday night.. Waa blew my mind.
Sat was a take it easy get COD WF2
Sun went to the Air Show got my Xbox live up..

Anyways this is about the Air Show more then anything..
Mommy and people wanted pic's
Fliker only allows 100MB per month.. Maxing that bitch out right now
These were my favorite. Didn't really take pictures of things I see every day like the Thunderbirds.. Plus there were other things I just didn't get good pics of..
So hope you enjoy


My favorite planes there

IheartMYSOL quick update 2

Well some packages came today in the mail..
Low and behold the parts that I had ordered from Honda last month. Well worth the wait because of the money that I saved.. Plus its not like I'm in a emergency type rush with this ..

These are the main pieces just laid out here.. S2000 Clutch Master, K20 Clutch Slave, and everyone needs Key's right.. Haha.

But that was just the first of my surprise of pacages when I got to the Post Office. There were two more.
One with my Video Games in it. Thank you Nick and Missy. So much fun now. Nick you need to get one of them games so I can play with you.. Oh and for you who are on Xbox live get at me. C0NtaMIN8ed
Anyways.. I the third package. WAS....

Then I get a phone call saying that the other is in.. WTF! Oh well I'll go back on Wednesday and pick up the other.
They won't be in for a while they need to be cleaned. But I think they will go well.. Haha.. Stay tuned.

Monday, November 9, 2009

iheartMYSOL Part 3

Well lets just jump into this one.. It's Monday and I didnall of this on Saturday. Yeah enough said about that part.
So as you know I brought her to Vegas she hs been under the car cover ever since.. Don't really want anyone seeing not that I'm ashmed of my little girl but your not supposed to have no running cars in the parking lot and as you can see she doesn't even have her bumper on. Yeah go figure..
So what I set out to do was clean up the inside of the car..

you looking at a picture I took after taking the dash out of the cabin. So yeah I pretty much had everything there and in the trunk just a jumbled mess.. So I decided since that I had everything all out I might as well kill some of the rust so I got some sand paper and rostoleum and went to town..
Yes that is an AF wall.. Oooopppss

So about half way threw the day I finally made it to about this point.. Getting ready to mess with the wires for the driver side..

Alot was done between the two shot the wiring mess on the driver side was a bitch to get up and tucked away seeing how I really didn't cut the wires that I'm not gion to use off the harness. That and I cleaned everything that was in the car already and everything that got put back into place. Just thought I should add that little piece.
And then finally to get it all back and together..

bye bye Window stickers.. I'm FREE

Look more shit.. At least it's down to a box in the passenger side..

Yah there is still a mess..

And the trunk has some shit in it as well

But at the end of the day its still at the same result tucked away and not running. Have to wait till the next pay check to make another move. This time its line time finally.. got me some rope so that I can do some ruff measurements of how much I have to buy and from there we shall see