Friday, December 31, 2010

Well as another year grows closer and closer to the end and another one about to begin we as humans take time to look back , share , and begin to expect for the future. People send out Christmas cards and others just write there thoughts down. Shoot some just talk about it with other s and go about there merry way. Well in this case this is my holiday card. The new way. The blog way. The facebook wy.

So first off let me wish you all a season greeting especially ones for this new year. I know a lot happened to myself ofver the past year and am personally looking forward to my new adventrues seeing were I have been. So with that lets begin my recap.

Man what a year…

Enough miles to circle the globe is what comes to mind first. Being all the way to the desert and back. But I guess I could just make this a highlight real seeing how my blog over the year has covered the majority of the year. But on to my top 4 highlights

I think my number one highlight was Eibach. Meeting James, Chris, Jen, and Cody for the first time. About time. Amazing that we speak to each other on almost a daily basis and finally meeting each other face to face with our passions right there by our side. Just wonderful time with wonderful people. I mean I couldn’t have asked for a better weekend, well maybe the Kitty Kar to run a little better, but then were would the story be. Looking forward to seeing yall again for sure..

Highlight two for me would be going to the desert. Talk about a mixture of emotions of up and down with a daily struggle of staying positive. I’ll tell you what, even if you don’t support the war reach out to a soldiger, airman, marine, and sailor. Seriously just saying hi how was your day goes so far for them. There really just people doing there job. But personally I’m thankful for the people that I met over there andI’m so happy that the rest of my crew made it home safe the day before Christmas. That was great news for me on my Christmas day. Overall I thnk it was a good 5 months of growth for me. Sure I wasn’t in school but I learned a lot about myself in them. Physically and mentally actually. Working in 120 degree weather is something else, but after doing it makes the rest of the days so much easier.

Sorry no beauty shots yet.. Stay tuned stuff in the mail...

Highlight number three for me had to be bying my bike. The first ever purchase I made that big and taking the full responsibility for myself. Sure I paid for it all in cash and don’t have a payment but to save up and to put that money down and say you did it. It to me shows groth within me. And who doesn’t take satishfaction in buying something that they have been wanting since they were 18. Plus it allows me to focus on the sol and take her were I want her to go.

Lastly I’m gonna say highlight four. It’s the time I spent with my family and friends this year. I mean sure there were a lot but I think the distance that I have between us I has brought all of us closer. To my high school friends that have thankfully been stronger then me, and are going up so fast. Avalon nights. Birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgivin. I mean I can’t highlight all them times..

Now the to the future.. I’m gonna keep this short.
2011 – year of gettin’ IT!
It has to be your dreams. I’m only gonna put down three
1. Going back to school.
2. LA marthon. I’m putting out there like this.. I’m gonna do it
3. Rebirth of the sol.. Again more details later!

With as much joy there was also sad. My we remember the loved ones we lost and cherish the time we got with them.

Peace, Love, and Beats!